International Student

Every year ISMT launches a special tender for the international students to apply and entry. In this tender, it is not possible to apply on-line.
Regulation of the Special Tender for Access and Entry of the International Student at ISMT (Regulation No. 676/2020) [pdf] [in Portuguese]

Who can apply?

Are eligible to apply to the Special Tender for International Students students of nationalities other than the ones of EU countries, who have not family members of a State of the European Union, who are not resident in Portugal for two years or more, and who have not entered the Portuguese higher education under other existing special arrangements.

What are the conditions for applying?

Are eligible to apply to the competition international students who:

  • Hold a qualification that gives the candidate the right to apply and access to higher education in the country where it was obtained. The document to be submitted must make evident that the candidate holds the qualification, must indicate the final classification and must be validated by the competent authority of that country.
  • Hold a diploma of Portuguese secondary education or an equivalent degree, indicating the final classification. The latter case may require the submission of a document that proves the equivalence of the non-Portuguese course to the Portuguese education system.

What are the admission conditions?

The conditions for admission in the bachelor courses at ISMT are:
  •  Specific academic qualification
  • When the candidate holds a Portuguese secondary education degree, the classifications of the higher education entrance exams from the Portuguese system will be considered. When the candidate holds a degree equivalent to the Portuguese secondary education degree it will be used the classification of the exams in the foreign secondary education system considered to be homologous of the entrance exams from the Portuguese system, according to the correspondences annually approved by CNAES. In all remaining situations, the candidate can perform the entrance exams from the Portuguese system as a self proposal student, or perform in ISMT a written exam specific for the course he/she is applying, to which can be added an oral examination. In case of being difficult to the candidate to be in person for the oral test, this one may happen by teleconference, if the jury allows it.
  • Knowledge of Portuguese language
  • Currently all the degrees of ISMT are taught in Portuguese. The Portuguese language knowledge level required is the independent user (level B2 of the European Framework Common Language for Reference). However, the entry of students with level A2 or B1 Portuguese may be possible (see below). Are excused from making documentary evidence of language proficiency the students who:
    1. Have the nationality of a country where Portuguese is an official language; 
    2. Have lived in a Portuguese-speaking country continuously for the last two years;
    3. Have attended secondary school in Portuguese language.
    Other candidates must hold an Intermediate Diploma of Portuguese Language Level B2 or any other certificate of knowledge of the Portuguese language level B2 issued by a Portuguese higher education institution. Students who have a Portuguese language knowledge level of B1 or A2 can enter the first year of an ISMT course if they commit themselves to attend an annual course of Portuguese language. Subsequently, the transition to the second academic year of the course is conditional upon the acquisition of the B2 Portuguese language knowledge level.
  • Specific requirements
  • The courses currently taught in ISMT do not have specific requirements.

How to apply

To apply under the International Student Tender, you must send us:
  • Copy of identification document;
  • Declaration, under word of honor, that you do not have Portuguese nationality or have resided legally in Portugal for 2 or more years, uninterruptedly, on August 31 of the current year, as well as your children who legally reside with you, nor have you a family member which is a citizen of a State of the European Union [PT] (In Portuguese);
  • Document proving completion of Portuguese secondary education, with the final grade, or document proving qualification legally equivalent to Portuguese secondary education, with the final grade, or document proving a qualification that, in the country where it was obtained, entitles you to application and entry into higher education in that country, with the final classification, proving its validation by the competent authority of that country;;
  • If applicable, a document proving the performance of the national exam or exams for admission to higher education, in the area(s) required for the course, with the classification obtained;;
  • If applicable, document attesting to the exam or exams for admission to higher education, carried out at the end of secondary education, with the classification obtained, accompanied by documentation with information on the contents; (in ISMT we accept applications with ENEM and it is not necessary to deliver this last information);
  • If your mother tongue is not Portuguese, an intermediate diploma in Portuguese as a Foreign Language, at level B2, or another certificate at level B2 of mastery of the Portuguese language, issued by a Portuguese higher education institution; or proof of uninterrupted residence in a Portuguese-speaking country in the last two years;;
  • In the case of missing documents, a declaration, under word of honor, that it meets the conditions provided for in the paragraph(s) in question;
  • Application Form duly completed [PT][in Portuguese];
  • Application Form International Student / Change of pair Institution Course [PT] [in Portuguese];
  • A prior and non-binding analysis of the documentation can be done by sending copies to the e-mail of the ISMT International Relations Office ( Subsequently, the application must be made with the administrative services, in person, with the original documents, and within the stipulated deadlines.

Deadlines for the academic year of 2024/2025

  1ª Fase 2ª Fase 3ª Fase
Período de Candidatura 26 de fevereiro a 12 de abril de 2024 29 de maio a 12 de julho de 2024 5 de agosto a 5 de setembro de 2024
Prova de Conhecimentos Específicos* (se aplicável) 18 de abril de 2024 17 de julho de 2024 11 de setembro de 2024
Divulgação de Resultados 23 de abril de 2024 [pdf] 19 de julho de 2024 [pdf] 17 de setembro de 2024 [pdf]
Período de Reclamação 24 e 26 de abril de 2024 22 a 23 de julho de 2024 17 a 18 de setembro de 2024
Período de Matrícula 24 de abril a 3 de maio de 2024 22 de julho a 31 de julho de 2024 17 de setembro a 24 de setembro de 2024
* Provas do Concurso de Estudante Internacional [pdf]RCand2425_C1_EI_F3-1.pdf


DL n.º 62/2018, de 06 de agosto [pdf]


For information:

Office for International Relations
(+351) 239 488 037
Web page:

For mail:

Correspondência Instituto Superior Miguel Torga
Gabinete de Relações de Internacionais
Largo da Cruz de Celas, n.º 1
3000-132 Coimbra